Job ideas by your favourite subjects

Check which careers match to your favourite subjects

With over 350 careers in the health and social care sector, there is a job for everyone. We've created a list so you can see what careers you might find interesting based on your favourite subjects. 

Find out what a particular subject prepares you for a career in. Click on the subjects below that you are currently doing or planning to do. 

The transferable skills you will learn in most subjects set you up for countless careers. The purpose of this tool is solely to give you an idea of some of the careers you can have.  Lots of these jobs are in the NHS or in social care but you will also find lots of health and care related jobs in voluntary and community sector organisations too. 

Even if you don't see a particular career under a specific subject, don't think that it is off-limits, this is just to give you some ideas you might not have thought of.

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